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Call to Order
Comments from the Mayor
Statutory Consent Agenda
K Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution of the City Council of Georgetown Texas Approving the First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Consent Agreement between the City of Georgetown, HM Parkside, LP, HM Parkside Development Inc., HM CR 176-2243, L.P., HM-GP II, LP, Williamson County Municipal Utility District No. 25, Parkside on the River Municipal Utility District No. 1 and, upon their creation, up to two Additional Districts, consisting of a total of approximately 1,778.18 acres of land generally situated south of SH 29 at Water Oak Parkway and north of RM 2243/Leander Road between the Preserve Subdivision and the River Ridge Subdivision, and also including an approximately 62 acre tract located south of RM 2243 and west of CR 176 -- David Morgan, City Manager
L (This item was continued from the 5/25 City Council meeting) Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance approving the 12th amendment to the Sun City Texas Development Agreement, to increase of the maximum allowed residential units from 7,500 residential units to 7,575 residential units to allow for the increase in units to be developed within the Sun City Texas Softball/Neighborhood 61 PUD, generally located at 135 Sun City Blvd -- Ethan Harwell, Senior Planner
M Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas (“City”) Amending Chapter 9.13 of the Code of Ordinances Relating to the Juvenile Curfew; Making Such Other Findings And Provisions Related to the Subject; and Declaring an Effective Date -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police
N First Reading of an Ordinance revising the existing Chapter 3.01 pertaining to Personnel Policies by adding sections 3.01.231 "Telecommuting" to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
O First Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amending the 2021 Annual Budget for mid-year obligations that were not known at the time the budget was adopted, appropriating the various amounts thereof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director
P Forwarded from the Arts and Culture Board: Consideration and possible action to approve an arts and culture grant application to the Texas Commission on the Arts for a Cultural District grant to fund a downtown development project and enhancement to public space near Grace Plaza -- Amanda Still, Arts and Culture Coordinator and Kim Mcauliffe, Downtown Development Manager
Jun 08, 2021 City Council Meetings
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order
Comments from the Mayor
Statutory Consent Agenda
K Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution of the City Council of Georgetown Texas Approving the First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Consent Agreement between the City of Georgetown, HM Parkside, LP, HM Parkside Development Inc., HM CR 176-2243, L.P., HM-GP II, LP, Williamson County Municipal Utility District No. 25, Parkside on the River Municipal Utility District No. 1 and, upon their creation, up to two Additional Districts, consisting of a total of approximately 1,778.18 acres of land generally situated south of SH 29 at Water Oak Parkway and north of RM 2243/Leander Road between the Preserve Subdivision and the River Ridge Subdivision, and also including an approximately 62 acre tract located south of RM 2243 and west of CR 176 -- David Morgan, City Manager
L (This item was continued from the 5/25 City Council meeting) Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance approving the 12th amendment to the Sun City Texas Development Agreement, to increase of the maximum allowed residential units from 7,500 residential units to 7,575 residential units to allow for the increase in units to be developed within the Sun City Texas Softball/Neighborhood 61 PUD, generally located at 135 Sun City Blvd -- Ethan Harwell, Senior Planner
M Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas (“City”) Amending Chapter 9.13 of the Code of Ordinances Relating to the Juvenile Curfew; Making Such Other Findings And Provisions Related to the Subject; and Declaring an Effective Date -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police
N First Reading of an Ordinance revising the existing Chapter 3.01 pertaining to Personnel Policies by adding sections 3.01.231 "Telecommuting" to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
O First Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amending the 2021 Annual Budget for mid-year obligations that were not known at the time the budget was adopted, appropriating the various amounts thereof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director
P Forwarded from the Arts and Culture Board: Consideration and possible action to approve an arts and culture grant application to the Texas Commission on the Arts for a Cultural District grant to fund a downtown development project and enhancement to public space near Grace Plaza -- Amanda Still, Arts and Culture Coordinator and Kim Mcauliffe, Downtown Development Manager
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