Video index
Call to Order
Action from Executive Session
Statutory Consent Agenda
AG Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP, for ARCO Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood & Housing Program Manager
AH Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP, for PILARE Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood & Housing Program Manager
AI Public Hearing on the proposed FY2022 Annual Budget. – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AJ Public Hearing on the proposed 2021 Property Tax Rate used for the FY2022 Annual Budget --Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AK First Reading of an Ordinance adopting the City of Georgetown Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022 – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AL Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying the property tax increase included in the 2022 Annual Budget and acknowledging that the 2021 tax rate will raise more revenue from property taxes than the previous year – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AM First Reading of an Ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Georgetown for the tax year 2021 – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AN First Reading of an ordinance amending § 2.08.010. "Administrative Divisions and Departments" of the Georgetown Code of Ordinances – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AO First Reading of an Ordinance establishing the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service - Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AP First Reading of an Ordinance revising the existing Chapter 3.01 pertaining to Personnel Policies by adding section 3.01.317 "Paid Quarantine Leave" to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AQ First Reading of an Ordinance revising the Existing Chapter 3.01 Pertaining to Personnel Policies by revising section 3.01.041 "Health Information Privacy", and section 3.01.322 "Family and Medical Leave" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown - Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AR First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas granting to Texas Disposal Systems, Inc., (TDS) a franchise for the provision of solid waste, recycling, yard trimmings, and bulky waste collection, transfer, and disposal services -- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director and Teresa Chapman, Environmental Conservation Program Coordinator
AS Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Drew G Hall and Longhorn Junction Land and Cattle Company LLC for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 46.972-acre tract of land out of the L.J, Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180, Texas, and a 3.858-acre portion of Blue Springs Boulevard, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at the southwest corner of Blue Springs Boulevard -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AT Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Brian Adkins, David J. Adkins, James N. Adkins Jr., and Group Investment Holdings LLC for the provision of municipal services to an approximately 104.323-acre tract of land out of the Burrell Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 216, Texas, and a 24.414-acre portion of State Highway 195, a right-of-way of varying width described to the State of Texas and a 2.148-acre portion of County Road 234, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas, and a 4.581-acre portion of County Road 143, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at 2170 Highway 195, upon annexation - Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AU Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone 24.326-acre tract situated in the Lewis J Dyches Survey No 2. from the Residential Single Family (RS) zoning district to the Industrial (IN) zoning district, for the property generally located east of I-35, west of Austin Ave, north of Georgetown Station and the Inner Loop (near the intersection of Austin Avenue and Cooperative Way) 2021-16-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director-Current Planning
AV Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone three (3) tracts of land described as 43.012-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, a 24.312-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, an157.551) acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the General Commercial (GC), Multi-Family 2 (MF-2), and Industrial (IN) zoning districts, for the properties generally located at 4801, 4805, and 5401 IH-35 North (2021-14-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
AW Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request of a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 2.3832 acres in the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the Local Commercial (C-1) zoning district, for the property generally located at 4230 & 4236 Williams Drive (2021-17-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Asst. Planning Director-Current Planning
AX Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 39.969 acres of city-owned Right-of-Way situated in part in the Joseph Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 608, and known as the Southwest Bypass -- Nat Waggoner, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AY First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 20.00 acres of City-owned Right-of-Way situated in part in the J. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 502 and the Barney C. Low Survey Abstract 385, and known as Westinghouse Road -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AZ Second Reading of an Ordinance for a request of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Indoor Self Storage in the General Commercial (C-3) zoning district on the property located at 2801 West University Avenue, bearing the legal description of Lot 1 of Shadow Canyon Commercial Section 2 (2021-6-SUP) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
BA Second Reading of an Ordinance for a proposed Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code (UDC) relating to the Tree Preservation and Landscaping standards specifically as it pertains to tree preservation, removal and mitigation, street yard, gateway and parking landscape standards, and screening and water conservation requirements (UDC General Amendment No. 20-03) -- Ethan Harwell, Senior Planner
BB Second Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation and initial zoning designation of Industrial (IN) of an approximate 43.421 acre tract of land situated in L.J. Dyches Survey Abstract No. 180, generally located at 600 SE Inner Loop -- Nat Waggoner, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
BC Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 0.662 acres of property described as Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 12, North Georgetown Addition, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) district to the Low Density Multi-Family (MF-1) district, for the property generally located at 806 E. Spring Street (2021-8-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
BD Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 0.662 acres of property described as Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 12, North Georgetown Addition, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) district to the Low Density Multi-Family (MF-1) district, for the property generally located at 806 E. Spring Street (2021-8-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
Sep 14, 2021 City Council Meetings
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order
Action from Executive Session
Statutory Consent Agenda
AG Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP, for ARCO Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood & Housing Program Manager
AH Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP, for PILARE Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood & Housing Program Manager
AI Public Hearing on the proposed FY2022 Annual Budget. – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AJ Public Hearing on the proposed 2021 Property Tax Rate used for the FY2022 Annual Budget --Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AK First Reading of an Ordinance adopting the City of Georgetown Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022 – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AL Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying the property tax increase included in the 2022 Annual Budget and acknowledging that the 2021 tax rate will raise more revenue from property taxes than the previous year – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AM First Reading of an Ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Georgetown for the tax year 2021 – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AN First Reading of an ordinance amending § 2.08.010. "Administrative Divisions and Departments" of the Georgetown Code of Ordinances – Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AO First Reading of an Ordinance establishing the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service - Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AP First Reading of an Ordinance revising the existing Chapter 3.01 pertaining to Personnel Policies by adding section 3.01.317 "Paid Quarantine Leave" to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AQ First Reading of an Ordinance revising the Existing Chapter 3.01 Pertaining to Personnel Policies by revising section 3.01.041 "Health Information Privacy", and section 3.01.322 "Family and Medical Leave" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown - Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director
AR First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas granting to Texas Disposal Systems, Inc., (TDS) a franchise for the provision of solid waste, recycling, yard trimmings, and bulky waste collection, transfer, and disposal services -- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director and Teresa Chapman, Environmental Conservation Program Coordinator
AS Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Drew G Hall and Longhorn Junction Land and Cattle Company LLC for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 46.972-acre tract of land out of the L.J, Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180, Texas, and a 3.858-acre portion of Blue Springs Boulevard, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at the southwest corner of Blue Springs Boulevard -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AT Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Brian Adkins, David J. Adkins, James N. Adkins Jr., and Group Investment Holdings LLC for the provision of municipal services to an approximately 104.323-acre tract of land out of the Burrell Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 216, Texas, and a 24.414-acre portion of State Highway 195, a right-of-way of varying width described to the State of Texas and a 2.148-acre portion of County Road 234, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas, and a 4.581-acre portion of County Road 143, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at 2170 Highway 195, upon annexation - Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AU Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone 24.326-acre tract situated in the Lewis J Dyches Survey No 2. from the Residential Single Family (RS) zoning district to the Industrial (IN) zoning district, for the property generally located east of I-35, west of Austin Ave, north of Georgetown Station and the Inner Loop (near the intersection of Austin Avenue and Cooperative Way) 2021-16-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director-Current Planning
AV Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone three (3) tracts of land described as 43.012-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, a 24.312-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, an157.551) acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the General Commercial (GC), Multi-Family 2 (MF-2), and Industrial (IN) zoning districts, for the properties generally located at 4801, 4805, and 5401 IH-35 North (2021-14-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
AW Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request of a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 2.3832 acres in the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the Local Commercial (C-1) zoning district, for the property generally located at 4230 & 4236 Williams Drive (2021-17-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Asst. Planning Director-Current Planning
AX Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 39.969 acres of city-owned Right-of-Way situated in part in the Joseph Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 608, and known as the Southwest Bypass -- Nat Waggoner, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AY First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 20.00 acres of City-owned Right-of-Way situated in part in the J. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 502 and the Barney C. Low Survey Abstract 385, and known as Westinghouse Road -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
AZ Second Reading of an Ordinance for a request of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Indoor Self Storage in the General Commercial (C-3) zoning district on the property located at 2801 West University Avenue, bearing the legal description of Lot 1 of Shadow Canyon Commercial Section 2 (2021-6-SUP) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
BA Second Reading of an Ordinance for a proposed Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code (UDC) relating to the Tree Preservation and Landscaping standards specifically as it pertains to tree preservation, removal and mitigation, street yard, gateway and parking landscape standards, and screening and water conservation requirements (UDC General Amendment No. 20-03) -- Ethan Harwell, Senior Planner
BB Second Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation and initial zoning designation of Industrial (IN) of an approximate 43.421 acre tract of land situated in L.J. Dyches Survey Abstract No. 180, generally located at 600 SE Inner Loop -- Nat Waggoner, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range Planning
BC Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 0.662 acres of property described as Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 12, North Georgetown Addition, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) district to the Low Density Multi-Family (MF-1) district, for the property generally located at 806 E. Spring Street (2021-8-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
BD Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 0.662 acres of property described as Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 12, North Georgetown Addition, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) district to the Low Density Multi-Family (MF-1) district, for the property generally located at 806 E. Spring Street (2021-8-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
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