Video index
A Call to Order
Comments from the Mayor
Action from Executive Session
Public Wishing to Address Council
Statutory Consent Agenda
G Consideration and possible action to approve a Quit Claim Deed to the Georgetown IndependentSchool District related to 7.067 acres of the old Carver Elementary School site -- Skye Masson, CityAttorney
Z Consideration and possible action to approve of a two-year consultation agreement with CrescentPower Inc. from Austin, TX, for energy portfolio support services for a total cost not to exceed$330,000.00 over the two-year term -- Daniel Bethapudi, General Manager of Electric Utility
AA Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Rockride VenturesLLC for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 25.64-acre tract ofland out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas generally located at 2310 RockrideLane (2021-14-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range
AB Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Earl Wayne Bradyfor the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 34.19-acre tract of landout of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas, generally located at 2755 Rockride Lane,upon annexation (2021-9-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - LongRange
AC Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Renee Clayman,Rissa Person, and Regina Lyn Rodgers for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to anapproximately 10-acre tract of land out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas,generally located at 200 Hillvue, upon annexation (2021-12-ANX) -- Travis Baird, Assistant PlanningDirector - Current Planning
AD First public hearing for the voluntary annexation of approximately 3.038 acres of County-ownedRight-of-Way situated in part in the Joseph Mott Survey, Abstract No. 427, the Calvin Bell Survey,Abstract No. 112 and the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21 and known as the Higgs Road;making certain necessary findings; and directing City Staff to initiate annexation accordingly (2021-13-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range
AE Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment torezone a 6.755-acre tract of land out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, from theAgriculture (AG) zoning district to the C-1 (Local Commercial) zoning district, for the propertygenerally located at 4301 Southwestern Blvd. (2020-15-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant PlanningDirector - Current Planning
AF Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment torezone Lot 2 of Amended Plat of Katy School Subdivision, from the Residential Single-Family (RS)zoning district to the Local Commercial (C-1) zoning district, for the property generally located at1910 NE Inner Loop (2021-25-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director - Current Planning
AG Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment toamend the Berry Creek Crossing PUD which consists of 49.31 acres within the John Berry Survey,Abstract No 51 and to expand the PUD onto an additional 11.438 within the John Berry Survey,Abstract No 51, for property generally located at 2800 N IH 35 and currently zoned Agriculture(AG) to a Planned Unit Development District (PUD) with a base zoning of General Commercial (C-3) zoning district and High Density Multi-Family (MF-2) zoning district (2021-13-PUD) -- SofiaNelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
AH Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of a certain territoryconsisting of 3.858 acres more or less in the LJ Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180 being a portion ofright-of-way of Blue Springs Boulevard (2021-7-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, AssistantPlanning Director - Long Range
AI Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to zone a 66.869-acretract of land out of the L.J. Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180 to the Planned Unit Development (PUD)zoning district with base zonings of General Commercial (C-3) and Industrial (IN); approximately19.897-acres of said PUD being a rezoning from General Commercial (C-3) and Industrial (IN) andapproximately 46.972-acres of said PUD being initial zoning, upon annexation, for the propertygenerally located on the southeast corner of IH-35 and SE Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A,Planning Director
AJ Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the City of Georgetown’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy toupdate purchasing guidelines and amend the Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2021 and ending September 30, 2022, in accordance with Chapter 102, Local Government Code toinclude the updates to the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AK Second reading of an Ordinance amending Section 10.16.150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ofGeorgetown to add portions of Rock Street to the existing downtown parking zone and providing for apenalty -- Kim McAuliffe, Downtown Development Manager; and Cory Tchida, Interim Chief ofPolice
Nov 09, 2021 City Council Meetings
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A Call to Order
Comments from the Mayor
Action from Executive Session
Public Wishing to Address Council
Statutory Consent Agenda
G Consideration and possible action to approve a Quit Claim Deed to the Georgetown IndependentSchool District related to 7.067 acres of the old Carver Elementary School site -- Skye Masson, CityAttorney
Z Consideration and possible action to approve of a two-year consultation agreement with CrescentPower Inc. from Austin, TX, for energy portfolio support services for a total cost not to exceed$330,000.00 over the two-year term -- Daniel Bethapudi, General Manager of Electric Utility
AA Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Rockride VenturesLLC for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 25.64-acre tract ofland out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas generally located at 2310 RockrideLane (2021-14-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range
AB Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Earl Wayne Bradyfor the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately 34.19-acre tract of landout of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas, generally located at 2755 Rockride Lane,upon annexation (2021-9-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - LongRange
AC Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Renee Clayman,Rissa Person, and Regina Lyn Rodgers for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to anapproximately 10-acre tract of land out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, Texas,generally located at 200 Hillvue, upon annexation (2021-12-ANX) -- Travis Baird, Assistant PlanningDirector - Current Planning
AD First public hearing for the voluntary annexation of approximately 3.038 acres of County-ownedRight-of-Way situated in part in the Joseph Mott Survey, Abstract No. 427, the Calvin Bell Survey,Abstract No. 112 and the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21 and known as the Higgs Road;making certain necessary findings; and directing City Staff to initiate annexation accordingly (2021-13-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director - Long Range
AE Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment torezone a 6.755-acre tract of land out of the William Addison Survey, Abstract No. 21, from theAgriculture (AG) zoning district to the C-1 (Local Commercial) zoning district, for the propertygenerally located at 4301 Southwestern Blvd. (2020-15-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant PlanningDirector - Current Planning
AF Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment torezone Lot 2 of Amended Plat of Katy School Subdivision, from the Residential Single-Family (RS)zoning district to the Local Commercial (C-1) zoning district, for the property generally located at1910 NE Inner Loop (2021-25-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director - Current Planning
AG Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment toamend the Berry Creek Crossing PUD which consists of 49.31 acres within the John Berry Survey,Abstract No 51 and to expand the PUD onto an additional 11.438 within the John Berry Survey,Abstract No 51, for property generally located at 2800 N IH 35 and currently zoned Agriculture(AG) to a Planned Unit Development District (PUD) with a base zoning of General Commercial (C-3) zoning district and High Density Multi-Family (MF-2) zoning district (2021-13-PUD) -- SofiaNelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
AH Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of a certain territoryconsisting of 3.858 acres more or less in the LJ Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180 being a portion ofright-of-way of Blue Springs Boulevard (2021-7-ANX) -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, AssistantPlanning Director - Long Range
AI Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to zone a 66.869-acretract of land out of the L.J. Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180 to the Planned Unit Development (PUD)zoning district with base zonings of General Commercial (C-3) and Industrial (IN); approximately19.897-acres of said PUD being a rezoning from General Commercial (C-3) and Industrial (IN) andapproximately 46.972-acres of said PUD being initial zoning, upon annexation, for the propertygenerally located on the southeast corner of IH-35 and SE Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A,Planning Director
AJ Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the City of Georgetown’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy toupdate purchasing guidelines and amend the Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2021 and ending September 30, 2022, in accordance with Chapter 102, Local Government Code toinclude the updates to the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
AK Second reading of an Ordinance amending Section 10.16.150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ofGeorgetown to add portions of Rock Street to the existing downtown parking zone and providing for apenalty -- Kim McAuliffe, Downtown Development Manager; and Cory Tchida, Interim Chief ofPolice
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