Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - 600 Degrees Proclamation - Mayor Ross 2016 Highlights City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Cupid's Chase 5K
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution confirming the appointment of Hank Michel to a second term and a Resolution confirming the appointment of Luis Zamot to a first term on the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director D Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment to a Consultation Agreement with Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. for benefit consultation services -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director E Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a Multiple Use Agreement (MUA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) concerning the construction and maintenance of a sidewalk on the southbound frontage road of Interstate 35 between FM 2243 and State Highway 29 and confirming the City’s intent to maintain the sidewalk and comply with the terms of the MUA and establishing an effective date -- Nathaniel Waggoner, AICP, Transportation Analyst F Consideration and possible action to approve vacating and abandoning an electric line easement out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, as described in Volume 330, Page 359 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator G Consideration and possible action to approve the request for a Revocable License by 600 Degrees Pizzeria to allow the placement of two awnings in the sidewalk near the southwest corner of 8th and Church Streets, and to authorize the Planning Director to execute the Revocable License Agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator H Consideration and possible action to approve the acceptance of the assignment of wastewater line easements out of the Francis Hudson Survey, Abstract No. 295 as described in Document Numbers 2010017800, 2010018440, and 2010017801; and pursuant to the Partial Assignment of Wastewater Line Easements recorded as Document Numbers 2011019997 and 2015075727 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and the Offsite Utility Construction and Cost Reimbursement Agreement for the Westinghouse Road Wastewater Improvements dated effective July 29, 2014 between the City of Georgetown and Westinghouse Road Development Group, LLC, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the Assignment of Wastewater Line Easements document -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Service Coordinator I Consideration and possible action to authorize the submittal of an application for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) to reimburse the Georgetown Office of Emergency Management for up to 50% of the salary, benefits, and operating expenses -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief J Consideration and possible action to authorize submittal of an application for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program, through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to receive funding to increase the number of frontline firefighters within our rapidly growing City/ETJ -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief K Consideration and possible adoption to adopt the 2016 ADA Transition Plan -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Transportation Analyst L Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution finding public convenience and necessity and authorizing eminent domain proceedings, if necessary, for acquisition of real property to effectuate certain public improvements in connection with Rivery Boulevard Extension Project -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Coordinator M Consideration and possible action to approve an extension of the Texas Fleet Fuel Agreement for fuel services to the City and to approve an assignment of the agreement from Texas Fleet Fuel to FleetCor Technologies Operating Company -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director N Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Lease Assignment from Williamson County Sun, Inc. to Clark Thurmond for the land lease with hangar improvement located at 503 Wright Brothers Drive -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager O Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Lease Assignment from ASM to Genesis Flight Academy for the hangar at 302 Toledo Trail -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager P Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action for final reconciliation with the CH2M for the management, operation, and maintenance of the City’s water and wastewater facilities for the period starting October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 in the amount of $307,225.92 -- Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director Q Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with Siemens Industry, Inc. for the capital upgrade of the Lake Water Treatment Plant intake pump electrical system in the approximate amount of $450,000.00 -- Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director R Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of upgrade equipment from the EST Group for the City’s IT Storage Area Network (SAN) for an amount of $439,146.28 -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director S Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of 25 replacement laptops for emergency service vehicles from Ingram Technologies, LLC for an amount of $98,930.00 -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director
Legislative Regular Agenda Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request to rezone approximately 78.29 acres in the Addison Survey from General Commercial (C-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD), located near the intersection of NE Inner Loop and East University Avenue -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 75.330 acres in the Nan W Evans Tract of the David Wright Survey located at 2101 Airport Road from Industrial (IN) District to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve an Inter-local Agreement (ILA), for the proposed construction and operation of Station #6, between the City of Georgetown and Emergency Service District #8 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
First Reading of an Ordinance to approve amendments to the bylaws for the Historic and Architectural Review Commission (HARC) and the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) describing the appointment of alternate members -- Mayor Dale Ross and Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 10.058 acres in the Francis A Hudson Survey located at 555 Rabbit Hill Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Business Park (BP) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezone Lot 1, Block F, Summit at Rivery Park Phases 5 & 6, located at 1101 Woodlawn Avenue to amend the Summit at Rivery Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the FY2016 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in year-end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the FY 2017 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in a need for changes to revenue and expenditures in the Electric and Water Funds; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Project Updates AB Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements, city lease agreements, sanitation services, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. AC - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - 600 Degrees Proclamation - Mayor Ross 2016 Highlights City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Cupid's Chase 5K
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution confirming the appointment of Hank Michel to a second term and a Resolution confirming the appointment of Luis Zamot to a first term on the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director D Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment to a Consultation Agreement with Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. for benefit consultation services -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director E Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a Multiple Use Agreement (MUA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) concerning the construction and maintenance of a sidewalk on the southbound frontage road of Interstate 35 between FM 2243 and State Highway 29 and confirming the City’s intent to maintain the sidewalk and comply with the terms of the MUA and establishing an effective date -- Nathaniel Waggoner, AICP, Transportation Analyst F Consideration and possible action to approve vacating and abandoning an electric line easement out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, as described in Volume 330, Page 359 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator G Consideration and possible action to approve the request for a Revocable License by 600 Degrees Pizzeria to allow the placement of two awnings in the sidewalk near the southwest corner of 8th and Church Streets, and to authorize the Planning Director to execute the Revocable License Agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator H Consideration and possible action to approve the acceptance of the assignment of wastewater line easements out of the Francis Hudson Survey, Abstract No. 295 as described in Document Numbers 2010017800, 2010018440, and 2010017801; and pursuant to the Partial Assignment of Wastewater Line Easements recorded as Document Numbers 2011019997 and 2015075727 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and the Offsite Utility Construction and Cost Reimbursement Agreement for the Westinghouse Road Wastewater Improvements dated effective July 29, 2014 between the City of Georgetown and Westinghouse Road Development Group, LLC, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the Assignment of Wastewater Line Easements document -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Service Coordinator I Consideration and possible action to authorize the submittal of an application for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) to reimburse the Georgetown Office of Emergency Management for up to 50% of the salary, benefits, and operating expenses -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief J Consideration and possible action to authorize submittal of an application for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program, through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to receive funding to increase the number of frontline firefighters within our rapidly growing City/ETJ -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief K Consideration and possible adoption to adopt the 2016 ADA Transition Plan -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Transportation Analyst L Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution finding public convenience and necessity and authorizing eminent domain proceedings, if necessary, for acquisition of real property to effectuate certain public improvements in connection with Rivery Boulevard Extension Project -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Coordinator M Consideration and possible action to approve an extension of the Texas Fleet Fuel Agreement for fuel services to the City and to approve an assignment of the agreement from Texas Fleet Fuel to FleetCor Technologies Operating Company -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director N Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Lease Assignment from Williamson County Sun, Inc. to Clark Thurmond for the land lease with hangar improvement located at 503 Wright Brothers Drive -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager O Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Lease Assignment from ASM to Genesis Flight Academy for the hangar at 302 Toledo Trail -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager P Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action for final reconciliation with the CH2M for the management, operation, and maintenance of the City’s water and wastewater facilities for the period starting October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 in the amount of $307,225.92 -- Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director Q Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with Siemens Industry, Inc. for the capital upgrade of the Lake Water Treatment Plant intake pump electrical system in the approximate amount of $450,000.00 -- Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director R Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of upgrade equipment from the EST Group for the City’s IT Storage Area Network (SAN) for an amount of $439,146.28 -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director S Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of 25 replacement laptops for emergency service vehicles from Ingram Technologies, LLC for an amount of $98,930.00 -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director
Legislative Regular Agenda Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request to rezone approximately 78.29 acres in the Addison Survey from General Commercial (C-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD), located near the intersection of NE Inner Loop and East University Avenue -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 75.330 acres in the Nan W Evans Tract of the David Wright Survey located at 2101 Airport Road from Industrial (IN) District to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve an Inter-local Agreement (ILA), for the proposed construction and operation of Station #6, between the City of Georgetown and Emergency Service District #8 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
First Reading of an Ordinance to approve amendments to the bylaws for the Historic and Architectural Review Commission (HARC) and the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) describing the appointment of alternate members -- Mayor Dale Ross and Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 10.058 acres in the Francis A Hudson Survey located at 555 Rabbit Hill Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Business Park (BP) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezone Lot 1, Block F, Summit at Rivery Park Phases 5 & 6, located at 1101 Woodlawn Avenue to amend the Summit at Rivery Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the FY2016 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in year-end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the FY 2017 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in a need for changes to revenue and expenditures in the Electric and Water Funds; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Project Updates AB Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements, city lease agreements, sanitation services, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. AC - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Adjournment