City Council Regional Board Reports
City Council Regional Board Reports - CAMPO - Lone Star Rail District
City Manager Comments - Georgetown Youth Advisory Board Presentation - CAFR Award
Public Wishing to Address Council
On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. B - Ann Bell, President of the Hill Country Book Festival at Georgetown, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board - Gale Webb regarding grant funds given to the Heritage Society by the Arts and Culture Board - Linda Scarbrough, of the Georgetown Symphony Society, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board - Mickie Ross, of the Williamson Museum, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 0.126 acres of the Glasscock Addition, Block 5, Lots 5 (w/pt) & 6 (sw/pt) from Multifamily (MF) District to Mixed-Use Downtown (MU-DT) District, located at 415 W. 10th Street -- Robbie Wyler, Historic District Planner and Elizabeth Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Presentation, discussion, and direction to staff on possible code amendments and other activities related to furthering Urban Farming -- Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director
Discussion and possible action to allow projects that went through the UDC process and had site plan and development plan approval prior to the downturn of the economy to be grand-fathered in and allowed to begin development without having to restart the process -- Pat Berryman, Councilmember District 5
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution revising the City’s investment policy -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to accept the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Recreation Trails matching grant in the amount of $200,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Consideration and possible action to select an architect for the design of the San Gabriel River Trail Extension project -- Terry Jones, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to appoint a selection committee for the purpose of evaluating and recommending a Construction Manager-at-Risk for The Public Safety Operations and Training Facility -- Terry Jones, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible recommendation to approve the contract with Lower Colorado River Authority (“LCRA”) for the purchase of electric distribution and transmission materials for FY 2011/2012 from vendor award contract for the LCRA Electric Material Acquisition Program in the estimated amount of $1,750,000.00 -- Paul Elkins, Energy Services Manager and Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director
Consideration and possible recommendation to renew contracts for Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management Bid to National Tree Expert Company, Inc. of Burnet, Texas , in the estimated amount of $230,000.00 -- Paul Elkins, Energy Services Manager and Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order No. SBE-12-002 with Steger Bizzell of Georgetown, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the 2011-2012 CIP Street and Drainage Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $209,691.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director; Bill Dryden, P.E., Transportation Engineer and Mark Miller, Transportation Services Manager
First Reading of an Ordinance renaming Southfork Road to “J.M. Page Road”; renaming a portion of County Road 110 to “Rockride Lane”; renaming a portion of County Road 104 to “Patriot Way”; renaming a portion of County Road 104 to “Bell Gin Road”; naming the roadway under construction referred to as SE1 to “Sam Houston Avenue” -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2010/11 Annual Operating Plan Element (budget) due to conditions that resulted in year end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Lorie Lankford, Controller, Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 2.54 acres in the Antonio Flores Survey from the Industrial (IN) District to General Commercial (C-3) District, located at 2300 North Austin Avenue -- Carla Benton, Planner II and Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 9.48 acres in the Joseph Fish Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to Residential Single-Family (RS) District, located at the terminus of Acker Road and Caprock Canyon Drive -- Carla Benton, Planner II and Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 2.20 of the Code of Ordinances relating to "Ethics" -- Jessica Brettle, City Secretary (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve an Amendment to the Real Estate Sales Contract between the City and GEDCO related to the repair costs for the floor at the 101 W. 7th Street property -- Mark Thomas, Economic Development Director
Consideration and possible action to appoint a Charter Review Committee -- Mayor George Garver
Discussion and direction to the Charter Review Committee regarding possible Charter Amendments -- Paul E. Brandenburg, City Manager and Bridget Chapman, City Attorney Adjuorn
City Council Regional Board Reports
City Council Regional Board Reports - CAMPO - Lone Star Rail District
City Manager Comments - Georgetown Youth Advisory Board Presentation - CAFR Award
Public Wishing to Address Council
On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. B - Ann Bell, President of the Hill Country Book Festival at Georgetown, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board - Gale Webb regarding grant funds given to the Heritage Society by the Arts and Culture Board - Linda Scarbrough, of the Georgetown Symphony Society, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board - Mickie Ross, of the Williamson Museum, regarding a grant from the Arts and Culture Board
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 0.126 acres of the Glasscock Addition, Block 5, Lots 5 (w/pt) & 6 (sw/pt) from Multifamily (MF) District to Mixed-Use Downtown (MU-DT) District, located at 415 W. 10th Street -- Robbie Wyler, Historic District Planner and Elizabeth Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Presentation, discussion, and direction to staff on possible code amendments and other activities related to furthering Urban Farming -- Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director
Discussion and possible action to allow projects that went through the UDC process and had site plan and development plan approval prior to the downturn of the economy to be grand-fathered in and allowed to begin development without having to restart the process -- Pat Berryman, Councilmember District 5
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution revising the City’s investment policy -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to accept the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Recreation Trails matching grant in the amount of $200,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Consideration and possible action to select an architect for the design of the San Gabriel River Trail Extension project -- Terry Jones, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to appoint a selection committee for the purpose of evaluating and recommending a Construction Manager-at-Risk for The Public Safety Operations and Training Facility -- Terry Jones, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible recommendation to approve the contract with Lower Colorado River Authority (“LCRA”) for the purchase of electric distribution and transmission materials for FY 2011/2012 from vendor award contract for the LCRA Electric Material Acquisition Program in the estimated amount of $1,750,000.00 -- Paul Elkins, Energy Services Manager and Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director
Consideration and possible recommendation to renew contracts for Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management Bid to National Tree Expert Company, Inc. of Burnet, Texas , in the estimated amount of $230,000.00 -- Paul Elkins, Energy Services Manager and Glenn W. Dishong, Utility Director
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order No. SBE-12-002 with Steger Bizzell of Georgetown, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the 2011-2012 CIP Street and Drainage Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $209,691.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director; Bill Dryden, P.E., Transportation Engineer and Mark Miller, Transportation Services Manager
First Reading of an Ordinance renaming Southfork Road to “J.M. Page Road”; renaming a portion of County Road 110 to “Rockride Lane”; renaming a portion of County Road 104 to “Patriot Way”; renaming a portion of County Road 104 to “Bell Gin Road”; naming the roadway under construction referred to as SE1 to “Sam Houston Avenue” -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2010/11 Annual Operating Plan Element (budget) due to conditions that resulted in year end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Lorie Lankford, Controller, Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 2.54 acres in the Antonio Flores Survey from the Industrial (IN) District to General Commercial (C-3) District, located at 2300 North Austin Avenue -- Carla Benton, Planner II and Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 9.48 acres in the Joseph Fish Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to Residential Single-Family (RS) District, located at the terminus of Acker Road and Caprock Canyon Drive -- Carla Benton, Planner II and Elizabeth A. Cook, Community Development Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 2.20 of the Code of Ordinances relating to "Ethics" -- Jessica Brettle, City Secretary (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve an Amendment to the Real Estate Sales Contract between the City and GEDCO related to the repair costs for the floor at the 101 W. 7th Street property -- Mark Thomas, Economic Development Director
Consideration and possible action to appoint a Charter Review Committee -- Mayor George Garver
Discussion and direction to the Charter Review Committee regarding possible Charter Amendments -- Paul E. Brandenburg, City Manager and Bridget Chapman, City Attorney Adjuorn