City Manager Comments - May 11, 2013 Elections - 18th Annual Cupid's Chase Run/Walk - MyPermitNow - New Fire Chief, John Sullivan Action from Executive Session
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution revising the City’s investment policy -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Public Hearing for the voluntary annexation into the city limits of 10.0 acres in the Dyches Survey for Rock Springs Hospital, located on SE Inner Loop -- Jordan J. Maddox, AICP, Principal Planner and Andrew Spurgin, AICP, Planning Director
Consideration and possible action to approve the GTV and Video Programming Plan to utilize PEG Fund -- Paul E. Brandenburg, City Manager and Keith Hutchinson, Public Communications Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve the FY 2011-2012 fuel and CPI-labor adjustments as provided in Sections 15.04 and 15.05, respectively, of the previous contract between the City of Georgetown and Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) -- Kathy Ragsdale, Conservation Services Manager and Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Consideration and possible action to approve the West Side Service Center Improvements, with McLean Construction, of Killeen, Texas, for the amount of $436,456.70 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Director of Systems Engineering and David Munk, P.E., Utility Engineer
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order CDM-13-002 with CDM Smith, Inc. of Austin, Texas, for professional services related to Public Safety Facility Wastewater Service in the amount of $115,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Director of Systems Engineering and Michael Seery, Capital Project Coordinator
First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas deleting Chapter 2.56 "Airport Advisory Board" and amending Chapter 2.113 "Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board" of the Code of Ordinances relating to purpose and membership -- Jim Briggs, General Manager for Utilities and Edward G. Polasek, AICP.,Transportation Services Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility System (GUS) Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order KPA-13-003 with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP of Georgetown, Texas, for professional services related to Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Rehabilitation 2012-2013 in the amount of $194,378.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director and Glenn Dishong, Utility Director
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve purchase of a 2013 Pierce Fire Engine from Siddons Fire Apparatus through the BuyBoard contract purchase price of $448,398 and will be housed at Fire Station 2 -- Clay Shell, Assistant Fire Chief
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to authorize expansion of the City’s video surveillance system to eight (8) Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants as well as replacement of the current standalone system at five (5) Electrical Substations and Airport by Convergint Technologies through the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) contract in the amount of $318,451.00 -- Paul Pausewang, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to authorize payment of $135,844.00 for the City’s pro-rata portion of the cost of operation of the Williamson Central Appraisal District -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.32 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas relating to vehicles in aircraft operating areas at the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director and Bridget Chapman, Acting City Attorney (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2011/12 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in year end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council (“Council”) of the City of Georgetown, Texas (“City”) amending Chapter 2.109 “Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board” of the Code of Ordinances relating to the Name, Purpose, and Membership -- Jim Briggs, General Manager for Utilities and Glenn Dishong, Utility Director (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance adding Chapter 2.52 “Georgetown General Government and Finance Advisory Board” to the Code of Ordinances -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer and Bridget Chapman, Acting City Attorney (action required)
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed Bylaws for the General Government and Finance (GGAF) Advisory Board -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Second Reading of an Ordinance renaming County Road 111 to “Westinghouse Road” -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director (action required)
BB Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items - LCRA Update - Airport Tenants - Rivery Development - GenTex Contract Discussion CC Sec. 551.072: Deliberation about Real Property - 1460 Inner Loop Right of Way - Albertson's Building DD Sec 551.074: Personnel Matters - Acting City Attorney, Bridget Chapman EE Sec. 551.086: Competitive Matters - Electric Rate Review
City Manager Comments - May 11, 2013 Elections - 18th Annual Cupid's Chase Run/Walk - MyPermitNow - New Fire Chief, John Sullivan Action from Executive Session
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution revising the City’s investment policy -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Public Hearing for the voluntary annexation into the city limits of 10.0 acres in the Dyches Survey for Rock Springs Hospital, located on SE Inner Loop -- Jordan J. Maddox, AICP, Principal Planner and Andrew Spurgin, AICP, Planning Director
Consideration and possible action to approve the GTV and Video Programming Plan to utilize PEG Fund -- Paul E. Brandenburg, City Manager and Keith Hutchinson, Public Communications Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve the FY 2011-2012 fuel and CPI-labor adjustments as provided in Sections 15.04 and 15.05, respectively, of the previous contract between the City of Georgetown and Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) -- Kathy Ragsdale, Conservation Services Manager and Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Consideration and possible action to approve the West Side Service Center Improvements, with McLean Construction, of Killeen, Texas, for the amount of $436,456.70 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Director of Systems Engineering and David Munk, P.E., Utility Engineer
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order CDM-13-002 with CDM Smith, Inc. of Austin, Texas, for professional services related to Public Safety Facility Wastewater Service in the amount of $115,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Director of Systems Engineering and Michael Seery, Capital Project Coordinator
First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas deleting Chapter 2.56 "Airport Advisory Board" and amending Chapter 2.113 "Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board" of the Code of Ordinances relating to purpose and membership -- Jim Briggs, General Manager for Utilities and Edward G. Polasek, AICP.,Transportation Services Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility System (GUS) Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order KPA-13-003 with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP of Georgetown, Texas, for professional services related to Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Rehabilitation 2012-2013 in the amount of $194,378.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director and Glenn Dishong, Utility Director
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve purchase of a 2013 Pierce Fire Engine from Siddons Fire Apparatus through the BuyBoard contract purchase price of $448,398 and will be housed at Fire Station 2 -- Clay Shell, Assistant Fire Chief
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to authorize expansion of the City’s video surveillance system to eight (8) Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants as well as replacement of the current standalone system at five (5) Electrical Substations and Airport by Convergint Technologies through the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) contract in the amount of $318,451.00 -- Paul Pausewang, Support Services Manager and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Consideration and possible action to authorize payment of $135,844.00 for the City’s pro-rata portion of the cost of operation of the Williamson Central Appraisal District -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.32 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas relating to vehicles in aircraft operating areas at the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director and Bridget Chapman, Acting City Attorney (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2011/12 Annual Budget due to conditions that resulted in year end budget variances; appropriating the various amounts thereof; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith -- Susan Morgan, Finance Director and Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council (“Council”) of the City of Georgetown, Texas (“City”) amending Chapter 2.109 “Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board” of the Code of Ordinances relating to the Name, Purpose, and Membership -- Jim Briggs, General Manager for Utilities and Glenn Dishong, Utility Director (action required)
First Reading of an Ordinance adding Chapter 2.52 “Georgetown General Government and Finance Advisory Board” to the Code of Ordinances -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer and Bridget Chapman, Acting City Attorney (action required)
Forwarded from the General Government & Finance (GGAF) Advisory Subcommittee: Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed Bylaws for the General Government and Finance (GGAF) Advisory Board -- Micki Rundell, Chief Financial Officer
Second Reading of an Ordinance renaming County Road 111 to “Westinghouse Road” -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director (action required)
BB Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items - LCRA Update - Airport Tenants - Rivery Development - GenTex Contract Discussion CC Sec. 551.072: Deliberation about Real Property - 1460 Inner Loop Right of Way - Albertson's Building DD Sec 551.074: Personnel Matters - Acting City Attorney, Bridget Chapman EE Sec. 551.086: Competitive Matters - Electric Rate Review