Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Summer Fan Drive - Music on the Square Summer Concerts
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Georgetown Association of Professional Fire Fighters --Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director D Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a voluntary termination of the Gantt Aviation land lease for the hangars located at 221 Stearman Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager E Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Lease with Wood Aviation, Inc. for the hangars located at 221 Stearman Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport with an annual lease rate of $75,600 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager G Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to award the Airport Aviation Fuel contract to Avfuel Corporation for a period of two years, with three, one year options, effective 1 Oct 2016 for an estimated annual cost of $2,500,000 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager H Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Lease with Central Texas Avionics for the hangar located at 217 Corsair Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport with an annual lease rate of $57,616 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager I Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to award a Construction Contract to Westar Construction, Inc., of Georgetown, Texas, for the construction of the CDBG -- University Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project in the amount of $ $161,583.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director J Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve the execution of a Task Order KCI 16-001 with Kennedy Consulting, Inc. of Georgetown, Texas, for the design of I35 south bound frontage road sidewalk, in the amount of $131,800.00 -- Nat Waggoner, Transportation Analyst K Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order CDM-16-007 with CDM Smith, Inc. of Austin, Texas, for professional services related to the Bar Screen at Pecan Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $121,691.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Consideration and possible action regarding vehicular traffic at the intersection of West Majestic Oak Lane and Apache Mountain Lane in the Sun City Subdivision – Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Consideration and possible action regarding vehicular traffic at the intersection of West Majestic Oak Lane and Apache Mountain Lane in the Sun City Subdivision – Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Special Use Permit to allow a multifamily development in the Local Commercial (C-1) District on a 7.366 acre site being Lot 2 of Wesleyan at Estrella subdivision, located at 4121 Williams Drive (Live Oak Apartments) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning approximately 13.24 acres in the Joseph Fish Survey, located at 4700 Williams Drive, from the Local Commercial (C-1) and Office (OF) Districts to 9.99 acres of the High Density Multifamily (MF-2) District and 3.256 acres of the Low Density Multifamily (MF-1) District ( Merritt Heritage Senior Village) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to extend the Housing Tax Credit closing deadline for HVM 2015 Georgetown Ltd, established in Resolution 021015-M, for the rehabilitation of Northwest Apartments -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs related to the construction of Garey Park, as well as sidewalk master plan improvements, in an amount not to exceed $8.282 million with proceeds from bonds that will be issued at a later time -- Laurie Brewer, Assistant City Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to extend the Housing Tax Credit closing deadline for HVM 2015 Georgetown Ltd, established in Resolution 021015-M, for the rehabilitation of Northwest Apartments -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order HDR-16-001 with HDR Engineering, Inc. of Round Rock, Texas, for professional services related to the design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of the Southwest Bypass from IH 35 SBFR to Leander Road in the amount of $585,041.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, Transportation Services Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a contract for Professional Engineering Services with HNTB Corporation of Round Rock, Texas, for professional services related to the design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of the Southwest Bypass from IH 35 SBFR to Leander Road in the amount of $438,635.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, Transportation Services Director
Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to award a contract to Landmark Structures of Fort Worth, Texas for the construction of the Cedar Breaks EST (elevated water storage tank) in the amount of $2,841,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 11.168 acres of the John Sutherland Survey located at 4950 Jim Hogg Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Local Commercial (C-1) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2016 Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (“GEDCO”) Budget for the Retail Strategy and Recruitment Plan -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve an application for Wood Aviation, Inc. to operate as a General Fixed Base Operator (GFBO) on the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution documenting the City of Georgetown’s support and acceptance of grant TxDOT CSJ NO.: 1514GRGTN Airport Project Participation Agreement in the amount of $7,905,950 for Improvements at the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager
Consideration and possible action to appoint a Councilmember or staff member to the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Clean Air Coalition -- Mayor Dale Ross Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Summer Fan Drive - Music on the Square Summer Concerts
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Georgetown Association of Professional Fire Fighters --Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director D Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a voluntary termination of the Gantt Aviation land lease for the hangars located at 221 Stearman Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager E Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Lease with Wood Aviation, Inc. for the hangars located at 221 Stearman Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport with an annual lease rate of $75,600 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager G Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to award the Airport Aviation Fuel contract to Avfuel Corporation for a period of two years, with three, one year options, effective 1 Oct 2016 for an estimated annual cost of $2,500,000 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager H Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Lease with Central Texas Avionics for the hangar located at 217 Corsair Drive on the Georgetown Municipal Airport with an annual lease rate of $57,616 -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager I Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to award a Construction Contract to Westar Construction, Inc., of Georgetown, Texas, for the construction of the CDBG -- University Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project in the amount of $ $161,583.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director J Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve the execution of a Task Order KCI 16-001 with Kennedy Consulting, Inc. of Georgetown, Texas, for the design of I35 south bound frontage road sidewalk, in the amount of $131,800.00 -- Nat Waggoner, Transportation Analyst K Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order CDM-16-007 with CDM Smith, Inc. of Austin, Texas, for professional services related to the Bar Screen at Pecan Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $121,691.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Consideration and possible action regarding vehicular traffic at the intersection of West Majestic Oak Lane and Apache Mountain Lane in the Sun City Subdivision – Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Consideration and possible action regarding vehicular traffic at the intersection of West Majestic Oak Lane and Apache Mountain Lane in the Sun City Subdivision – Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Special Use Permit to allow a multifamily development in the Local Commercial (C-1) District on a 7.366 acre site being Lot 2 of Wesleyan at Estrella subdivision, located at 4121 Williams Drive (Live Oak Apartments) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning approximately 13.24 acres in the Joseph Fish Survey, located at 4700 Williams Drive, from the Local Commercial (C-1) and Office (OF) Districts to 9.99 acres of the High Density Multifamily (MF-2) District and 3.256 acres of the Low Density Multifamily (MF-1) District ( Merritt Heritage Senior Village) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to extend the Housing Tax Credit closing deadline for HVM 2015 Georgetown Ltd, established in Resolution 021015-M, for the rehabilitation of Northwest Apartments -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs related to the construction of Garey Park, as well as sidewalk master plan improvements, in an amount not to exceed $8.282 million with proceeds from bonds that will be issued at a later time -- Laurie Brewer, Assistant City Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to extend the Housing Tax Credit closing deadline for HVM 2015 Georgetown Ltd, established in Resolution 021015-M, for the rehabilitation of Northwest Apartments -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order HDR-16-001 with HDR Engineering, Inc. of Round Rock, Texas, for professional services related to the design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of the Southwest Bypass from IH 35 SBFR to Leander Road in the amount of $585,041.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, Transportation Services Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a contract for Professional Engineering Services with HNTB Corporation of Round Rock, Texas, for professional services related to the design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of the Southwest Bypass from IH 35 SBFR to Leander Road in the amount of $438,635.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, Transportation Services Director
Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to award a contract to Landmark Structures of Fort Worth, Texas for the construction of the Cedar Breaks EST (elevated water storage tank) in the amount of $2,841,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 11.168 acres of the John Sutherland Survey located at 4950 Jim Hogg Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Local Commercial (C-1) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2016 Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (“GEDCO”) Budget for the Retail Strategy and Recruitment Plan -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve an application for Wood Aviation, Inc. to operate as a General Fixed Base Operator (GFBO) on the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution documenting the City of Georgetown’s support and acceptance of grant TxDOT CSJ NO.: 1514GRGTN Airport Project Participation Agreement in the amount of $7,905,950 for Improvements at the Georgetown Municipal Airport -- Russ Volk, C.M., Airport Manager
Consideration and possible action to appoint a Councilmember or staff member to the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Clean Air Coalition -- Mayor Dale Ross Adjournment