Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - National Parks and Recreation Month Proclamation - National Breastfeeding Month Proclamation City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Summer Fan Drive - Music on the Square Summer Concerts
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Forwarded from the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve award of landscaping services in the roundabout areas of Georgetown Village to Integrated Environment for a total of $88,622.44 -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities D Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for licensed electrician services to Mercury Electric Company of Liberty Hill, TX for an estimated annual amount of $150,000.00 -- Trish Long, Facilities Superintendent E Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase and installation of artificial turf from Paragon Sports Constructors (PCS) in an amount not to exceed $137,500.00 to be installed at the Public Safety Operations & Training Center -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police F Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution giving Michel Sorrell, Controller, the approval to conduct business with various banking institutions and to appoint her as a “Representative of the Depositor” -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director G Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) to provide geographic information systems (GIS) software to the City of Georgetown for a total of $115,111.50 over three years -- Greg Berglund, Assistant Information Technology Director H Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the Design/Build contract (cost of the work plus design-builder’s fee) with a guaranteed maximum price agreement with G. Creek Construction of Austin, Texas for the Restoration of Grace Heritage Center -- Eric Johnson, CIP Manager
Legislative Regular Agenda Consideration and possible action to support Faith in Action's Application and authorize Mayor Dale Ross to sign a letter of support for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5310 Grant Funding for FY17 to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) -- Nat Waggoner, Transportation Analyst, AICP, PMP.
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 67.864 acres of the William Addison Survey located at 801 Carlson Cove from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Single-Family (RS) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 13.788 acres of the Joseph Thompson Survey located at 3300 FM 2243 on the north side of FM 2243 (Leander Road), between County Road 176 and Weir Ranch Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Estate (RE) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Housing Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve of a Resolution of Support for 4% Housing Tax Credits and a Two Times Resolution for the renovation of the Oaks at Georgetown Apartments, located at 550 22nd Street -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Second Reading of an Ordinance for a Special Use Permit to allow a multifamily development in the Local Commercial (C-1) District on a 7.366 acre site being Lot 2 of Wesleyan at Estrella subdivision, located at 4121 Williams Drive -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution supporting the Williamson County and Cities Health District in processing requests for a variance from the Texas Food Establishment Rules pertaining to live animals in food establishments to give food establishment owners the option to allow dogs in outdoor dining areas -- Andreina Dávila- Quintero, Project Coordinator
Discussion and possible action to address recent crowd-related issues at Blue Hole Park -- Rachael Jonrowe, Councilmember District 6
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - National Parks and Recreation Month Proclamation - National Breastfeeding Month Proclamation City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Summer Fan Drive - Music on the Square Summer Concerts
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Forwarded from the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve award of landscaping services in the roundabout areas of Georgetown Village to Integrated Environment for a total of $88,622.44 -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities D Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for licensed electrician services to Mercury Electric Company of Liberty Hill, TX for an estimated annual amount of $150,000.00 -- Trish Long, Facilities Superintendent E Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase and installation of artificial turf from Paragon Sports Constructors (PCS) in an amount not to exceed $137,500.00 to be installed at the Public Safety Operations & Training Center -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police F Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution giving Michel Sorrell, Controller, the approval to conduct business with various banking institutions and to appoint her as a “Representative of the Depositor” -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director G Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) to provide geographic information systems (GIS) software to the City of Georgetown for a total of $115,111.50 over three years -- Greg Berglund, Assistant Information Technology Director H Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the Design/Build contract (cost of the work plus design-builder’s fee) with a guaranteed maximum price agreement with G. Creek Construction of Austin, Texas for the Restoration of Grace Heritage Center -- Eric Johnson, CIP Manager
Legislative Regular Agenda Consideration and possible action to support Faith in Action's Application and authorize Mayor Dale Ross to sign a letter of support for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5310 Grant Funding for FY17 to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) -- Nat Waggoner, Transportation Analyst, AICP, PMP.
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 67.864 acres of the William Addison Survey located at 801 Carlson Cove from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Single-Family (RS) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning 13.788 acres of the Joseph Thompson Survey located at 3300 FM 2243 on the north side of FM 2243 (Leander Road), between County Road 176 and Weir Ranch Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Estate (RE) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Forwarded from the Housing Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve of a Resolution of Support for 4% Housing Tax Credits and a Two Times Resolution for the renovation of the Oaks at Georgetown Apartments, located at 550 22nd Street -- Jennifer C. Bills, AICP, LEED AP, Housing Coordinator
Second Reading of an Ordinance for a Special Use Permit to allow a multifamily development in the Local Commercial (C-1) District on a 7.366 acre site being Lot 2 of Wesleyan at Estrella subdivision, located at 4121 Williams Drive -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution supporting the Williamson County and Cities Health District in processing requests for a variance from the Texas Food Establishment Rules pertaining to live animals in food establishments to give food establishment owners the option to allow dogs in outdoor dining areas -- Andreina Dávila- Quintero, Project Coordinator
Discussion and possible action to address recent crowd-related issues at Blue Hole Park -- Rachael Jonrowe, Councilmember District 6