Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Purple Heart Proclamation City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - End of Summer City Pool Closings - Animal Shelter Garage Sale - Burn Ban
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 -- Becky Huff, Assistant City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Jane Estes as a Member to the Arts and Culture Advisory Board to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross D Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Leigh Wallace as a Member to the Rivery Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross F Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Franklin Stover as a Member to the Georgetown Housing Authority to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross G Consideration and possible action to approve the interlocal agreement between the City of Georgetown and the Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) for the installation and maintenance of an outdoor warning siren system on GISD property -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief H Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Director of Human Resources I Consideration and possible action to approve a Wastewater and Trail Easement and Agreement for the portion of the South San Gabriel Wastewater Interceptor through the Cole Tract -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director J Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve an appropriation of $59,860.00 to SunGard Public Sector, Incorporated to convert the previous Police Department Records Management database into the existing SunGard OSSI Records Management database -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director K Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve task order with M&S Engineering, LLC, of Georgetown, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the final engineering design for construction plans, specifications and estimate for the Rivery Boulevard TIA Improvements in the amount of $239,800.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director. L Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order with CP&Y, Inc., of Austin, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the final engineering design for construction plans, specifications and estimate for the Rabbit Hill Road Improvements Project from Westinghouse Road to north of S. Clearview Drive in the amount of $ $425,700.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director.
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Director of Human Resources
Overview and discussion on the proposed Georgetown Village Public Improvement District FY2016/17 Budget -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Public Hearing on the proposed 2016 Property Tax Rate used for the FY2017 Annual Budget -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
Discussion, and possible action to approve the Amended Performance Agreement between the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) and the Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) -- Wayne Reed, Assistant City Manager
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a Construction Contract with C.C. Carlton Industries, LTD, of Austin, TX, for the Mays Street Extension Project from Bass Pro Drive/Teravista Boulevard to Westinghouse Road in the amount of $6,375,088.88 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director.
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order to Terracon Consultants, Inc., of Austin, Texas for construction materials testing and observation for the Mays Street Extension in the amount of $63,320.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone 3.90 acres out of the Antonio Flores Survey, from the Agriculture District (AG) to the Local Commercial District (C-1), located at 1281 FM 971 -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezoning 2.3 acres in the Lewis J. Dyches Survey, located at 4 Sierra Way Street, from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Industrial (IN) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Discussion and possible action regarding proposed updates and additions to the UDC General Amendments List -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Purple Heart Proclamation City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - End of Summer City Pool Closings - Animal Shelter Garage Sale - Burn Ban
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 -- Becky Huff, Assistant City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Jane Estes as a Member to the Arts and Culture Advisory Board to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross D Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Leigh Wallace as a Member to the Rivery Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross F Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Franklin Stover as a Member to the Georgetown Housing Authority to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross G Consideration and possible action to approve the interlocal agreement between the City of Georgetown and the Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) for the installation and maintenance of an outdoor warning siren system on GISD property -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief H Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Director of Human Resources I Consideration and possible action to approve a Wastewater and Trail Easement and Agreement for the portion of the South San Gabriel Wastewater Interceptor through the Cole Tract -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director J Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve an appropriation of $59,860.00 to SunGard Public Sector, Incorporated to convert the previous Police Department Records Management database into the existing SunGard OSSI Records Management database -- Chris Bryce, Information Technology Director K Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve task order with M&S Engineering, LLC, of Georgetown, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the final engineering design for construction plans, specifications and estimate for the Rivery Boulevard TIA Improvements in the amount of $239,800.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director. L Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order with CP&Y, Inc., of Austin, Texas, for professional engineering services related to the final engineering design for construction plans, specifications and estimate for the Rabbit Hill Road Improvements Project from Westinghouse Road to north of S. Clearview Drive in the amount of $ $425,700.00 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director.
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying a meet and confer agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Director of Human Resources
Overview and discussion on the proposed Georgetown Village Public Improvement District FY2016/17 Budget -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities
Public Hearing on the proposed 2016 Property Tax Rate used for the FY2017 Annual Budget -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
Discussion, and possible action to approve the Amended Performance Agreement between the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) and the Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) -- Wayne Reed, Assistant City Manager
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a Construction Contract with C.C. Carlton Industries, LTD, of Austin, TX, for the Mays Street Extension Project from Bass Pro Drive/Teravista Boulevard to Westinghouse Road in the amount of $6,375,088.88 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director.
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order to Terracon Consultants, Inc., of Austin, Texas for construction materials testing and observation for the Mays Street Extension in the amount of $63,320.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone 3.90 acres out of the Antonio Flores Survey, from the Agriculture District (AG) to the Local Commercial District (C-1), located at 1281 FM 971 -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to rezoning 2.3 acres in the Lewis J. Dyches Survey, located at 4 Sierra Way Street, from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Industrial (IN) District -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Discussion and possible action regarding proposed updates and additions to the UDC General Amendments List -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director Adjournment