Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Emergency Preparedness Month Proclamation - Recognition of the Participants of the Georgetown Police Department Summer Camp City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Animal Shelter Garage Sale - Vote for Best of Georgetown - National Night Out
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 and the Special Meeting held on Friday, September 9, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Taylor Kidd, the Chair of the Main Street Advisory Board, to the Downtown Georgetown Tax Increment Reimbursement Zone (TIRZ) to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross D Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Tom Crawford, President of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC), to the South Georgetown Tax Increment Reimbursement Zone (TIRZ) -- Mayor Dale Ross E Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Mark Allen to the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB) to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross F Consideration and possible action to renew the existing School Resource Officer agreement between the Georgetown Independent School District and the City of Georgetown, Texas to include an amendment to Article II, A. and Attachment A (annual cost for program) of the agreement and signatures of current officials -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police G Consideration and possible action to award the blanket agreement for office supplies to V-Quest of Georgetown, Texas in the estimated amount of $60,000.00 -- Trina Bickford, Purchasing Manager I Consideration and possible action to approve vacating and abandoning a portion of a 15-foot Public Utility Easement out of the Ruidosa Irrigation Company Survey, Abstract No. 715 as described in Volume 1243, Page 603 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Service Coordinator and Wesley Wright, Systems Engineering Director J Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to abandon 0.27 acres in the Shell Addition, known as undeveloped Pine Street and offer the property for sale to the abutting property owners in proportion to abutting ownership for fair market value -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Coordinator and Charlie McNabb, City Attorney K Consideration and possible action to approve an Amendment to a Permanent Easement Agreement, amending that easement granted by the City of Georgetown to Enterprise Crude Pipeline, LLC in instrument number 2016006069 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County and to authorize the Mayor to sign such amended agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Services Coordinator and Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director L Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Discussion and possible action to amend 2015-2016 agreement and pay additional costs; related to Sun Edison assignment, estoppels and amendment legal work, and Mercuria novations; to Neil McAndrews and Associates, for Resource Price Risk Management -- Chris Foster, Manager of Resource Planning & Integration M Forwarded from General Government and Finance Advisory (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve moving dental funding structure to a self-insured model, selecting Ameritas for Group Dental Benefits and authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement with Ameritas -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director N Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve agreements with PerfectMIND Inc. for the implementation, training, set up and initial licensing of a Parks and Recreation Management Software in the amount of approximately $105,458.00 -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director O Forward from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for irrigation system services for City owned facilities to American Irrigation of Georgetown, Texas for a period of one year not to exceed the amount of $70,000.00 -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation P Forward from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for City of Georgetown janitorial and floor cleaning services to Pruitt Building Services of Fort Worth, pending City Council appropriation in the FY2017 budget, for an estimated annual amount of $700,000.00 -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation
Q Public Hearing concerning the proposed levy of assessment for the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 (GVPID) in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services to be funded by assessments on property in the GVPID -- Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator R First Reading of an Ordinance approving and adopting the final 2017 Service Plan, 2016 Assessment Roll, establishing classifications for the apportionment of costs and the methods of assessing special assessments for the services and improvements to property in the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 (GVPID), closing the hearing and levying assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the GVPID during 2017, fixing charges and liens against the property in the GVPID and against the owners thereof, and providing for the collection of the assessments -- Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 73 acres in the John Berry and Antonio Flores Surveys from the Agriculture (AG) District to 55.99 acres of Residential Single-family (RS) District, 11.65 acres of High Density Multifamily (MF-2) District, and 3.65 acres of the Local Commercial (C-1) District, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of the Georgetown Railroad with Northeast Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 11.5029 acres in the Barney Low Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Local Commercial (C-1) District located at 1070 Westinghouse Road -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 54.537 acres of the W. Addison Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, located at 1951 FM 1460 -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution finding public convenience and necessity and authorizing eminent domain proceedings, if necessary, for acquisition of real property to effectuate certain public improvements in connection with Mays Street Extension Project -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director and Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution for a petition for the Voluntary Annexation of 14.459 acres in the W. Roberts Survey -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a funding agreement between the City of Georgetown and the Williamson County and Cities Health District for this agency to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown— David Morgan, City Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Funding Agreements between the City of Georgetown and the Boys and Girls Club of Georgetown, Brookwood in Georgetown Vocational (BIG), CASA of Williamson County, Texas, Faith In Action Georgetown, Girls Empowerment Network (GEN), Georgetown Caring Place dba The Caring Place, Georgetown Project, Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County, Lone Star Circle of Care, Ride on Center for Kids (R.O.C.K.), Senior Center at Stonehaven, The Locker, Williamson-Burnet Opportunities, Inc. (WBCO), Williamson County Crisis Center dba Hope Alliance, and Williamson County Master Gardeners Association, and for these agencies and organizations to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown -- David Morgan, City Manager
Consideration and possible action to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for the installation of solar panels at the Westside Service Center in the amount of $271,452.00 with Performance Contracting, Inc. (PCI) Solar Energy as the award for RFP Number 201642 -- Christopher Foster, Resource Planning and Integration Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve the Transit Development Plan -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement with the Georgetown Health Foundation and to authorize the Mayor to sign such agreement -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Consideration and possible action to approve an interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Metro for Transportation Services and to authorize the Mayor to sign such agreement -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve Emergicon as the Emergency Medical Transport Billing vendor for the City of Georgetown -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of a 3000 Gallon Water Tender and a Wildland Interface Fire Engine from Siddons-Martian Emergency Group through the BuyBoard Contract #491-15 for a cost not to exceed $750,000.00 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible recommendation to award a Construction Contract to Smith Contracting Co. Inc. of Austin , Texas, for curb and gutter installation at various locations in the City, in the amount of $1,057,387.75 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director
Second Reading of an Ordinance adopting the City of Georgetown Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required) RECORD VOTE
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending § 2.08.010 "Administrative Divisions and Departments" of the Georgetown Code of Ordinances -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service --Tadd Phillips, Human Resource Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Georgetown for the tax year 2016 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required) RECORD VOTE
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending Title 13, Article III, Section 13.04.140 titled “Rates and Charges – Sewers – Schedule” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, Repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause, and establishing an effective date -- Leticia Zavala, CGFO Customer Care Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change approximately 11.65 acres in the Antonio Flores Survey from the Moderate Density Residential Future Land Use category to the High Density Residential category, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of the Georgetown Railroad with Northeast Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required) Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Emergency Preparedness Month Proclamation - Recognition of the Participants of the Georgetown Police Department Summer Camp City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - Animal Shelter Garage Sale - Vote for Best of Georgetown - National Night Out
Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 and the Special Meeting held on Friday, September 9, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Taylor Kidd, the Chair of the Main Street Advisory Board, to the Downtown Georgetown Tax Increment Reimbursement Zone (TIRZ) to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross D Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Tom Crawford, President of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC), to the South Georgetown Tax Increment Reimbursement Zone (TIRZ) -- Mayor Dale Ross E Consideration and possible action to approve the appointment of Mark Allen to the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB) to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Dale Ross F Consideration and possible action to renew the existing School Resource Officer agreement between the Georgetown Independent School District and the City of Georgetown, Texas to include an amendment to Article II, A. and Attachment A (annual cost for program) of the agreement and signatures of current officials -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police G Consideration and possible action to award the blanket agreement for office supplies to V-Quest of Georgetown, Texas in the estimated amount of $60,000.00 -- Trina Bickford, Purchasing Manager I Consideration and possible action to approve vacating and abandoning a portion of a 15-foot Public Utility Easement out of the Ruidosa Irrigation Company Survey, Abstract No. 715 as described in Volume 1243, Page 603 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Service Coordinator and Wesley Wright, Systems Engineering Director J Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to abandon 0.27 acres in the Shell Addition, known as undeveloped Pine Street and offer the property for sale to the abutting property owners in proportion to abutting ownership for fair market value -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Coordinator and Charlie McNabb, City Attorney K Consideration and possible action to approve an Amendment to a Permanent Easement Agreement, amending that easement granted by the City of Georgetown to Enterprise Crude Pipeline, LLC in instrument number 2016006069 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County and to authorize the Mayor to sign such amended agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Services Coordinator and Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director L Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Discussion and possible action to amend 2015-2016 agreement and pay additional costs; related to Sun Edison assignment, estoppels and amendment legal work, and Mercuria novations; to Neil McAndrews and Associates, for Resource Price Risk Management -- Chris Foster, Manager of Resource Planning & Integration M Forwarded from General Government and Finance Advisory (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve moving dental funding structure to a self-insured model, selecting Ameritas for Group Dental Benefits and authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement with Ameritas -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director N Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve agreements with PerfectMIND Inc. for the implementation, training, set up and initial licensing of a Parks and Recreation Management Software in the amount of approximately $105,458.00 -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director O Forward from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for irrigation system services for City owned facilities to American Irrigation of Georgetown, Texas for a period of one year not to exceed the amount of $70,000.00 -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation P Forward from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the contract renewal for City of Georgetown janitorial and floor cleaning services to Pruitt Building Services of Fort Worth, pending City Council appropriation in the FY2017 budget, for an estimated annual amount of $700,000.00 -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation
Q Public Hearing concerning the proposed levy of assessment for the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 (GVPID) in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services to be funded by assessments on property in the GVPID -- Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator R First Reading of an Ordinance approving and adopting the final 2017 Service Plan, 2016 Assessment Roll, establishing classifications for the apportionment of costs and the methods of assessing special assessments for the services and improvements to property in the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 (GVPID), closing the hearing and levying assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the GVPID during 2017, fixing charges and liens against the property in the GVPID and against the owners thereof, and providing for the collection of the assessments -- Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 73 acres in the John Berry and Antonio Flores Surveys from the Agriculture (AG) District to 55.99 acres of Residential Single-family (RS) District, 11.65 acres of High Density Multifamily (MF-2) District, and 3.65 acres of the Local Commercial (C-1) District, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of the Georgetown Railroad with Northeast Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 11.5029 acres in the Barney Low Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Local Commercial (C-1) District located at 1070 Westinghouse Road -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 54.537 acres of the W. Addison Survey from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, located at 1951 FM 1460 -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution finding public convenience and necessity and authorizing eminent domain proceedings, if necessary, for acquisition of real property to effectuate certain public improvements in connection with Mays Street Extension Project -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director and Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution for a petition for the Voluntary Annexation of 14.459 acres in the W. Roberts Survey -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a funding agreement between the City of Georgetown and the Williamson County and Cities Health District for this agency to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown— David Morgan, City Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Funding Agreements between the City of Georgetown and the Boys and Girls Club of Georgetown, Brookwood in Georgetown Vocational (BIG), CASA of Williamson County, Texas, Faith In Action Georgetown, Girls Empowerment Network (GEN), Georgetown Caring Place dba The Caring Place, Georgetown Project, Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County, Lone Star Circle of Care, Ride on Center for Kids (R.O.C.K.), Senior Center at Stonehaven, The Locker, Williamson-Burnet Opportunities, Inc. (WBCO), Williamson County Crisis Center dba Hope Alliance, and Williamson County Master Gardeners Association, and for these agencies and organizations to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown -- David Morgan, City Manager
Consideration and possible action to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for the installation of solar panels at the Westside Service Center in the amount of $271,452.00 with Performance Contracting, Inc. (PCI) Solar Energy as the award for RFP Number 201642 -- Christopher Foster, Resource Planning and Integration Manager
Consideration and possible action to approve the Transit Development Plan -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement with the Georgetown Health Foundation and to authorize the Mayor to sign such agreement -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Consideration and possible action to approve an interlocal agreement (ILA) with Capital Metro for Transportation Services and to authorize the Mayor to sign such agreement -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Services Analyst
Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve Emergicon as the Emergency Medical Transport Billing vendor for the City of Georgetown -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of a 3000 Gallon Water Tender and a Wildland Interface Fire Engine from Siddons-Martian Emergency Group through the BuyBoard Contract #491-15 for a cost not to exceed $750,000.00 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible recommendation to award a Construction Contract to Smith Contracting Co. Inc. of Austin , Texas, for curb and gutter installation at various locations in the City, in the amount of $1,057,387.75 -- Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director
Second Reading of an Ordinance adopting the City of Georgetown Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required) RECORD VOTE
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending § 2.08.010 "Administrative Divisions and Departments" of the Georgetown Code of Ordinances -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service --Tadd Phillips, Human Resource Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Georgetown for the tax year 2016 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director (action required) RECORD VOTE
Second Reading of an Ordinance amending Title 13, Article III, Section 13.04.140 titled “Rates and Charges – Sewers – Schedule” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, Repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause, and establishing an effective date -- Leticia Zavala, CGFO Customer Care Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change approximately 11.65 acres in the Antonio Flores Survey from the Moderate Density Residential Future Land Use category to the High Density Residential category, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of the Georgetown Railroad with Northeast Inner Loop -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required) Adjournment