Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Breast Cancer Awareness Proclamation - Recognition of Cardiac Arrest Survivor and Rescuers - National Colonial Heritage Month Proclamation - Community Planning Month Proclamation - Planning Department Recognitions City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - City Vendor Fair
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 -- Robyn Densmore, Deputy City Secretary C Forwarded from the Library Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action authorizing library staff to purchase books from Ingram, Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $140,000.00 for fiscal year 2016-2017 -- Eric Lashley, Library Director D Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing the vacation and abandonment of (1) a remainder of a 10-foot right of way and easement recorded in Volume 852, Page 471 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas; and (2) a remainder of a 20-foot right of way and easement recorded in Volume 678, Page 493 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas; both easements being property out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract 13, now known as Lot 1, Block F of the Deer Haven Subdivision, a subdivision recorded as 2016060970 in the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas, and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator E Forwarded from the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Consideration and possible action regarding a performance agreement with Rentsch Brewery - - Michaela Dollar, Director of Economic Development
Consideration and possible action to approve the request for a Revocable License by H4 WR, LP to allow the placement of a sign and landscaping in the median of Wolf Ranch Parkway at the north intersection with State Highway 29, and to authorize the Planning Director to execute the Revocable License Agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator
Consideration of approval of the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board’s recommendations for grant allocations for FY 2016-17 for Faith in Action Georgetown and Lone Star Circle of Care and consideration of approval of a Resolution authorizing amended Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Funding Agreements between the City of Georgetown and Faith In Action Georgetown and Lone Star Circle of Care and for these agencies and organizations to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown—Shirley Rinn, Executive Assistant to the City Manager and Liaison to the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs for electric, water, wastewater, and transportation capital improvements; the purchase of public safety vehicles and radio equipment; and costs associated with various facility, downtown and park improvements; in an amount not to exceed $37,660,000.00 with proceeds from bonds that will be issued at a later time -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a Professional Services Proposal related to utility related governmental affairs -- Jim Briggs, General Manager Utilities
Second Reading of an Ordinance to approve a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a lumber yard in the General Commercial (C-3) District at 300 Leander Road, also being Lot 2, Hope McCoy Subdivision -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance zoning for traffic and rate of speed therein, in the City Limits of the City of Georgetown, on Pedernales Falls Drive between Cool Springs Way and Rocky Hollow Creek Drive and Rocky Hollow Creek Drive between Pedernales Falls Drive and County Road 245, defining speeding and fixing a penalty therefore declaring what may be a sufficient complaint in prosecutions hereunder with a saving clause repealing conflicting laws and establishing an effective date -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to approve amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.114 related to the membership requirements for the Strategic Partnerships For Community Services Advisory Board, repealing conflicting Ordinances and Resolutions; and providing an effective date -- Shirley Rinn, Staff Liaison for the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board (action required)
Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements,city lease agreements, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. N - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Executive Session In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to action in the regular session. O Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items - 3834 Partners, Ltd—Settlement Agreement in Lieu of Condemnation Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters - City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary and Municipal Judge: Consideration of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal Sec. 551.086: Competitive Matters - Buckthorn Update Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development - Project Hop - Project Cat Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Breast Cancer Awareness Proclamation - Recognition of Cardiac Arrest Survivor and Rescuers - National Colonial Heritage Month Proclamation - Community Planning Month Proclamation - Planning Department Recognitions City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - City Vendor Fair
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 -- Robyn Densmore, Deputy City Secretary C Forwarded from the Library Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action authorizing library staff to purchase books from Ingram, Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $140,000.00 for fiscal year 2016-2017 -- Eric Lashley, Library Director D Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing the vacation and abandonment of (1) a remainder of a 10-foot right of way and easement recorded in Volume 852, Page 471 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas; and (2) a remainder of a 20-foot right of way and easement recorded in Volume 678, Page 493 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas; both easements being property out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract 13, now known as Lot 1, Block F of the Deer Haven Subdivision, a subdivision recorded as 2016060970 in the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas, and to authorize the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator E Forwarded from the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Consideration and possible action regarding a performance agreement with Rentsch Brewery - - Michaela Dollar, Director of Economic Development
Consideration and possible action to approve the request for a Revocable License by H4 WR, LP to allow the placement of a sign and landscaping in the median of Wolf Ranch Parkway at the north intersection with State Highway 29, and to authorize the Planning Director to execute the Revocable License Agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator
Consideration of approval of the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board’s recommendations for grant allocations for FY 2016-17 for Faith in Action Georgetown and Lone Star Circle of Care and consideration of approval of a Resolution authorizing amended Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Funding Agreements between the City of Georgetown and Faith In Action Georgetown and Lone Star Circle of Care and for these agencies and organizations to continue to provide services for the citizens of Georgetown—Shirley Rinn, Executive Assistant to the City Manager and Liaison to the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs for electric, water, wastewater, and transportation capital improvements; the purchase of public safety vehicles and radio equipment; and costs associated with various facility, downtown and park improvements; in an amount not to exceed $37,660,000.00 with proceeds from bonds that will be issued at a later time -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
Consideration and possible action to approve a Professional Services Proposal related to utility related governmental affairs -- Jim Briggs, General Manager Utilities
Second Reading of an Ordinance to approve a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a lumber yard in the General Commercial (C-3) District at 300 Leander Road, also being Lot 2, Hope McCoy Subdivision -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance zoning for traffic and rate of speed therein, in the City Limits of the City of Georgetown, on Pedernales Falls Drive between Cool Springs Way and Rocky Hollow Creek Drive and Rocky Hollow Creek Drive between Pedernales Falls Drive and County Road 245, defining speeding and fixing a penalty therefore declaring what may be a sufficient complaint in prosecutions hereunder with a saving clause repealing conflicting laws and establishing an effective date -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director (action required)
Second Reading of an Ordinance to approve amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.114 related to the membership requirements for the Strategic Partnerships For Community Services Advisory Board, repealing conflicting Ordinances and Resolutions; and providing an effective date -- Shirley Rinn, Staff Liaison for the Strategic Partnerships for Community Services Advisory Board (action required)
Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements,city lease agreements, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. N - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Executive Session In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to action in the regular session. O Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items - 3834 Partners, Ltd—Settlement Agreement in Lieu of Condemnation Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters - City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary and Municipal Judge: Consideration of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal Sec. 551.086: Competitive Matters - Buckthorn Update Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development - Project Hop - Project Cat Adjournment