Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Council Compensation Committee - Parks Maintenance Staff Award Recognitions City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - City Boards & Commissions Applications - Annual Trout Fishing Derby - Camp Goodwater
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 and the Special Meeting held November 12-16, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the reappointment of Mary Faith Sterk as the City of Georgetown’s representative on the Williamson County and Cities Health District Board -- Mayor Dale Ross E Consideration and possible action to formally cancel the City Council meeting that would fall on the fourth Tuesday of December, cancelling the City Council meeting that would have fallen on December 27, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary F Consideration and possible action to grant a Temporary License for ingress and egress across city property, located south of the current terminus of D.B. Woods Road, to Enterprise Crude Pipelines, LLC, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the license agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator G Consideration and possible action to authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an affiliate agreement with CrossFit, Inc. -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police I Consideration and possible action to approve a Memorandum of Agreement between the Lead Regional Advisory Council and Georgetown Fire Department as a “Sponsoring Entity” to participate as a member of the Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief J Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve changes to Georgetown Emergency Medical Service fees and Fire & Life Safety Service fees -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief K Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible recommendation for the composition of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Airport Master Plan Project -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities and Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director L Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a change order with Itineris N.A. to provide management, support, and oversight of the transformation and conversion tasks for Data Migration in the amount of $56,000.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director M Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with KHA Intelligence Group, LLC to provide transformation rule design, development, and data conversion of the legacy system data for Data Migration in the amount of $83,470.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director N Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order with ElectSolve Technology Solutions and Service to develop and configure integrations between the meter data management system and the new CIS UMAX software in the amount of $75,000.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director O Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to renew the contract for labor services for Electric System Overhead Construction and Maintenance to Techline Construction, LLC of Austin, Texas, in the not to exceed amount of $750,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director P Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to renew the contract for labor services for Outside Plant Fiber Optic Infrastructure Construction to JC Communications of Cedar Park, Texas, in the not to exceed amount of $300,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director Q Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order DEI-17-001 with Dunham Engineering, Inc. of College Station, Texas, for professional services related to the Design of a Sun City 2.0 MG (million gallon) Composite EST (elevated storage tank) in the amount of $300,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director R Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order DEI-17-002 with Dunham Engineering, Inc. of College Station, Texas, for professional services related to the Design of the Airport 1.5 MG (million gallon) GST (Ground Storage Tank) Rehabilitation in the amount of $80,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director S Forwarded from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to recommend approval of a construction contract for ADA compliance renovations at McMasters Park, Village Park and the Parks and Recreation Administration Building to Choice Builders, LLC of Temple, Texas in the amount of $258,393.50 -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Consideration and possible action to renew the Lease Agreement between the City of Georgetown and Boy Scout Troop #155 and St. John's United Methodist Church for use of the Boy Scout Hut and adjacent shed in San Gabriel Park
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution requesting the members of the 85th Legislative Session of the State of Texas support the City of Georgetown’s legislative agenda
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 165.65 acres described as 142.80 acres in the N. Porter and A. Flores Surveys, 0.68 acres, 5.07 acres, and 12.31 acres in the N. Porter Survey, and 4.79 acres, being Blocks 1-3 of the North Georgetown Addition, located between Austin Ave. and N. College St. south of FM 971 , from the Residential Single-Family (RS) and Local Commercial (C-1) Districts to the Public Facilities (PF) District
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 3.5 acres of San Gabriel Estates, Block 1, Lot 22A located at 700 Booty's Crossing Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) District
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 10.058 acres in the Francis A Hudson Survey located at 555 Rabbit Hill Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Business Park (BP) District
Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to award a contract to C.C. Carlton, LTD of Austin, Texas for the construction of the Westinghouse South Regional Wastewater System Improvements and Stonehedge Lift Station Modifications in the amount of $2,112,011.00
Second Reading of an Ordinance for the Voluntary Annexation of 14.459 acres in the W. Roberts Survey, also known as Hidden Oaks at Berry Creek
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 83.5 acres of the W. Roberts Survey located north of Fairway Lane and south of Shell Road, from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Single-Family (RS) and Local Commercial (C-1) Districts
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 75.415 acres in the David Wright Survey located at 2101 Airport Road from the General Commercial (C3) District to the Industrial (IN) District
Second Reading of an Ordinance establishing the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution supporting the Williamson County and Cities Health District in processing requests for a variance from the Texas Food Establishment Rules pertaining to live animals in food establishments to give food establishment owners the option to allow dogs in outdoor dining areas
Forwarded from the Main Street Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed amendments to the Main Street Façade and Sign Grant Program
Project Updates AD Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements, city lease agreements, sanitation services, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. AE - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Adjournment
Reports, Announcements, & Comments
Comments from the Mayor - Council Compensation Committee - Parks Maintenance Staff Award Recognitions City Council Regional Board Reports Announcements - City Boards & Commissions Applications - Annual Trout Fishing Derby - Camp Goodwater
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. B Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 and the Special Meeting held November 12-16, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary C Consideration and possible action to approve the reappointment of Mary Faith Sterk as the City of Georgetown’s representative on the Williamson County and Cities Health District Board -- Mayor Dale Ross E Consideration and possible action to formally cancel the City Council meeting that would fall on the fourth Tuesday of December, cancelling the City Council meeting that would have fallen on December 27, 2016 -- Shelley Nowling, City Secretary F Consideration and possible action to grant a Temporary License for ingress and egress across city property, located south of the current terminus of D.B. Woods Road, to Enterprise Crude Pipelines, LLC, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the license agreement -- Travis Baird, Real Estate Services Coordinator G Consideration and possible action to authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an affiliate agreement with CrossFit, Inc. -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police I Consideration and possible action to approve a Memorandum of Agreement between the Lead Regional Advisory Council and Georgetown Fire Department as a “Sponsoring Entity” to participate as a member of the Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief J Forwarded from the General Government and Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve changes to Georgetown Emergency Medical Service fees and Fire & Life Safety Service fees -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief K Forwarded from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB): Consideration and possible recommendation for the composition of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Airport Master Plan Project -- Jim Briggs, General Manager of Utilities and Edward G. Polasek, AICP, Transportation Services Director L Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a change order with Itineris N.A. to provide management, support, and oversight of the transformation and conversion tasks for Data Migration in the amount of $56,000.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director M Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with KHA Intelligence Group, LLC to provide transformation rule design, development, and data conversion of the legacy system data for Data Migration in the amount of $83,470.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director N Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve a task order with ElectSolve Technology Solutions and Service to develop and configure integrations between the meter data management system and the new CIS UMAX software in the amount of $75,000.00 -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director O Forwarded from the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to renew the contract for labor services for Electric System Overhead Construction and Maintenance to Techline Construction, LLC of Austin, Texas, in the not to exceed amount of $750,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director P Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to renew the contract for labor services for Outside Plant Fiber Optic Infrastructure Construction to JC Communications of Cedar Park, Texas, in the not to exceed amount of $300,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director Q Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order DEI-17-001 with Dunham Engineering, Inc. of College Station, Texas, for professional services related to the Design of a Sun City 2.0 MG (million gallon) Composite EST (elevated storage tank) in the amount of $300,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director R Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order DEI-17-002 with Dunham Engineering, Inc. of College Station, Texas, for professional services related to the Design of the Airport 1.5 MG (million gallon) GST (Ground Storage Tank) Rehabilitation in the amount of $80,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director S Forwarded from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to recommend approval of a construction contract for ADA compliance renovations at McMasters Park, Village Park and the Parks and Recreation Administration Building to Choice Builders, LLC of Temple, Texas in the amount of $258,393.50 -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Consideration and possible action to renew the Lease Agreement between the City of Georgetown and Boy Scout Troop #155 and St. John's United Methodist Church for use of the Boy Scout Hut and adjacent shed in San Gabriel Park
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution requesting the members of the 85th Legislative Session of the State of Texas support the City of Georgetown’s legislative agenda
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 165.65 acres described as 142.80 acres in the N. Porter and A. Flores Surveys, 0.68 acres, 5.07 acres, and 12.31 acres in the N. Porter Survey, and 4.79 acres, being Blocks 1-3 of the North Georgetown Addition, located between Austin Ave. and N. College St. south of FM 971 , from the Residential Single-Family (RS) and Local Commercial (C-1) Districts to the Public Facilities (PF) District
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance rezoning 3.5 acres of San Gabriel Estates, Block 1, Lot 22A located at 700 Booty's Crossing Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) District
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance to rezone approximately 10.058 acres in the Francis A Hudson Survey located at 555 Rabbit Hill Road from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Business Park (BP) District
Forwarded from Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board (GUS): Consideration and possible action to award a contract to C.C. Carlton, LTD of Austin, Texas for the construction of the Westinghouse South Regional Wastewater System Improvements and Stonehedge Lift Station Modifications in the amount of $2,112,011.00
Second Reading of an Ordinance for the Voluntary Annexation of 14.459 acres in the W. Roberts Survey, also known as Hidden Oaks at Berry Creek
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 83.5 acres of the W. Roberts Survey located north of Fairway Lane and south of Shell Road, from the Agriculture (AG) District to the Residential Single-Family (RS) and Local Commercial (C-1) Districts
Second Reading of an Ordinance rezoning approximately 75.415 acres in the David Wright Survey located at 2101 Airport Road from the General Commercial (C3) District to the Industrial (IN) District
Second Reading of an Ordinance establishing the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution supporting the Williamson County and Cities Health District in processing requests for a variance from the Texas Food Establishment Rules pertaining to live animals in food establishments to give food establishment owners the option to allow dogs in outdoor dining areas
Forwarded from the Main Street Advisory Board: Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed amendments to the Main Street Façade and Sign Grant Program
Project Updates AD Project updates and status reports regarding current and future transportation and traffic project; street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects; police, fire and other public safety projects; economic development projects; city facility projects;downtown projects including parking enhancements, city lease agreements, sanitation services, and possible direction to city staff -- David Morgan, City Manager Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, preferably prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. On a subject not posted on the agenda: Persons may add an item to a future City Council agenda by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the subject matter of the topic they would like to address and their name. The City Secretary can be reached at 512/930-3651. AE - At the time of posting, no persons had signed up to address the City Council Adjournment