Call to Order - A Special Meeting of the City Council Budget Workshop Continued from July 12th: Workshop overview, discussion and possible action regarding the FY2017 City of Georgetown Budget and Tax Rate -- David S. Morgan, City Manager
Call to Order - A Special Meeting of the City Council Budget Workshop Continued from July 12th: Workshop overview, discussion and possible action regarding the FY2017 City of Georgetown Budget and Tax Rate -- David S. Morgan, City Manager Adjournment
Call to Order - A Special Meeting of the City Council Budget Workshop Continued from July 12th: Workshop overview, discussion and possible action regarding the FY2017 City of Georgetown Budget and Tax Rate -- David S. Morgan, City Manager
Call to Order - A Special Meeting of the City Council Budget Workshop Continued from July 12th: Workshop overview, discussion and possible action regarding the FY2017 City of Georgetown Budget and Tax Rate -- David S. Morgan, City Manager Adjournment