Employee Compensation, Benefits and Wellness Update -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resource Director
Presentation and discussion of the CAMPO/City of Georgetown Williams Drive Study Final Plan -- Nathaniel Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Analyst and Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator
Presentation on Community Center Fees and Garey Park Operations -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Presentation and discussion of Austin Ave. Bridges Public Meeting #3 and Environmental Clearance Process -- Ed Polasek, AICP,Transportation Planning Coordinator
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to action in the regular session. E Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters - City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary and Municipal Judge: Consideration of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal Sec. 551.087: Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations - Commercial Projects in the Following Areas I35 and University Avenue I35 and Southeast Inner Loop
Employee Compensation, Benefits and Wellness Update -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resource Director
Presentation and discussion of the CAMPO/City of Georgetown Williams Drive Study Final Plan -- Nathaniel Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Transportation Analyst and Andreina Dávila-Quintero, Project Coordinator
Presentation on Community Center Fees and Garey Park Operations -- Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Presentation and discussion of Austin Ave. Bridges Public Meeting #3 and Environmental Clearance Process -- Ed Polasek, AICP,Transportation Planning Coordinator
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to action in the regular session. E Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney - Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters - City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary and Municipal Judge: Consideration of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal Sec. 551.087: Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations - Commercial Projects in the Following Areas I35 and University Avenue I35 and Southeast Inner Loop